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Contractors & Vendors

Hualalai Resort requires all Contractors and Vendors to submit specific documents before work is initiated on Hualalai Resort Property. To obtain a permit select an option below, follow the steps, and submit the required documentation. Please contact us if you have any questions. Mahalo.


New construction or newly built homes, major remodels, new installations & plantings. (Landscapers, subcontractors, etc.)


Maintenance or repairs on existing homes. (Landscaping, Electricians, Plumbing, HVAC, etc.) Real Estate Agents/Brokers, Event Vendors, etc.


Registered individuals or companies that are hired to oversee the day-to-day operations of a specific real estate property.

Required Documents

If you submitted a Permit Request Form and uploaded your documents via the form, you are all set.  If you did not upload or upload was unsuccessful, please email the required documents below to the Hualalai Villas and Homes Department.

Contractor / Vendor required documents:

  1. A copy of your company's Certificate of Liability Insurance

  2. Vehicle Insurance (current & unexpired)

  3. Vehicle Registration (current & unexpired)


Property Manager required documents:

  1. Fully executed Property Manager Assignment & Approval Form

  2. A copy of your company's Certificate of Liability Insurance

  3. Vehicle Insurance (current & unexpired)

  4. Vehicle Registration (current & unexpired)

Hualalai Villas & Homes Department



Renewal Periods

Renewal Period


Permits active from
March - August

Renewal Period


Permits active from
September - February


Renewal Period


Permits active from
April - September

Renewal Period


Permits active from
October - March

No-Work Schedules


New Year’s Day


January 1

Mitsubishi Electric Tournament

Thursday – Saturday

January 16-18

Presidents’ Day Weekend

Saturday - Monday

February 15 - February 17

Good Friday Weekend

Friday - Sunday

April 18-April 20

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday - Monday

May 24 - May 26

Independence Day


July 4

Labor Day Weekend

Saturday - Monday

August 30 - September 1

Run For Hope Event

Friday & Saturday


Thanksgiving Weekend

Thursday - Sunday

November 27 - November 30

HOLIDAY WEEK Christmas & New Year’s 2025

Saturday – Thursday

December 20 - January 1


Holiday/ Event

Observance Day(s)


Hualalai Resort Work Rules


All of us here at Hualālai Resort take special pride in the appearance of our Resort and are sensitive to the experiences and perceptions of our residents and guests. We ask the same of you as you enter the property to work on various projects.

1. Work Hours:

Construction access on the resort are from 7:00 am – 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

All Contractor vehicles must enter and exit the resort through the construction gate during the hours of 7:00 am – 11:00 am (excluding weekends and holidays). After 11:00 am, construction traffic will enter and exit through the main entrance gate.

NO noisy work is permitted near the hotel property before 8:30 am. In areas adjacent to occupied residences, operation of heavy equipment may be restricted to an 8:00am starting time.

2. Special Work Request:

Saturday - Contractor Work is not permitted.

A Special Work Request may be granted, subject to review and with prior written approval. Work Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

3. Rules of Conduct:

Your job site will always be within hearing range of golfers, residents and other guests, therefore behavior at Hualalai Resort by all Contractors, their employees, Subcontractors and their Agents is to be professional and courteous at all times. Any behavior or other interaction with residents or Resort guests that is deemed inappropriate and results in a negative resident or guest experience will not be tolerated. The Hualalai Resort Security or Hualalai Villas and Homes Department will take immediate action upon notification of any such behavior. This action may include removal of the offending worker(s) either temporarily or permanently.

  1. a) Proper dress attire (shirts, shoes, etc.) should be worn at all times while on Resort property.

  2. b) Loud or abusive language and loud noise will not be tolerated.

  3. c) Avoid “revving” your engine and refrain from sounding (“honking”) vehicle horn.

  4. d) Radios at job site must be kept at a reasonable volume so they do not impact the golf course, residents or guests. Keep the volume of your radio low, so that it can only be heard inside your vehicle.

  5. e) No alcoholic beverages are permitted and no drinking or “pau hana” parties are permitted on property. Illegal drugs, narcotics or weapons are prohibited on Resort property.

  6. f) Random vehicle inspections will be conducted.

  7. g) Contractors and their employees will abide by any direction from Resort Security.

4. Resort Access:

All construction traffic, including General Contractors, their staff/employees, subcontractors, and material vendors, enter and exit through the designated resort entrance gates.

  1. a) Construction access on the resort are from 7:00am – 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. Special Work Request access, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

  2. b) For safety reasons, please refrain from parking along the resort entrance and surface streets.

  3. c) Waiting vehicles parked along Kona Village Road MUST be parked off the roadway with all four wheels on the shoulder.

  4. d) Other special needs to access the construction entrance must be approved with advanced arrangements.

5. Contractor Permits:

Each vehicle must have a current Contractor Permit to enter the Resort property. The Contractor permit must be displayed on the rearview mirror at all times while on Property.

All requests must provide proof of insurance, vehicle registration and State issued drivers license (United States) for permit issuance.

a) Permits are non-transferable. Permits must not under any circumstances be duplicated, copied or used in any manner than the intended use. Permits are the Property of Hualalai Resort, Hualalai Villas and Homes Department.

b) There will be no cost for company vehicles or the first personal vehicle if used for transportation to jobsite. The fee for a second personal vehicle is $30.
c) There will be a $30 replacement fee for a lost permit.
d) Revocation of a contractor permit for violation(s) to the rules herein is subject to review for reinstatement and a fee of $100.

e) Contact the Hualalai Villas and Homes Department 808-325-8533 and Resort Security at 808-325-8325 to report a lost, stolen or revoked contractor permit.
f) Contractors must surrender all expired, terminated, invalidated permits to the Hualalai Villas and Homes Department or Resort Security immediately.
g) Permits that will be issued to the contractors are responsible for the following: review & discuss the Hualalai Resort Contractor Rules with employees and subcontractors.
h) All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) or Utility Task Vehicles (UTV) are permitted for use within the resort. Contractors must provide proof of insurance and operator driver license. The operator must abide by the resort road safety rules and comply with the state and federal safety requirements.

6. Parking:

Parking is limited at the Resort. Vehicles are not allowed to park on roadways, obstruct hydrants or driveways. Hualalai Resort Security enforces our parking policies and violators are subject to citation or being towed at their expense. Any vehicle that receives 3 citations during the calendar year will lose access to the Resort. Overnight parking is not allowed, unless approved by Resort Security.

7. Road Safety:

Road safety in the Resort is vital. Contractors, their employees, subcontractors and their agents will abide by the following:
a) Observe all posted speed limit and traffic control signs.
b) Yield to pedestrians and golf carts at crossings.
c) Keep hydrants and fire routes clear of obstruction.
d) Do not obstruct driveways.
e) Do not use private driveways or landscaped areas as a turnaround.
f) Transporting Equipment: We expect that heavy equipment use of resort roadways be kept to an absolute minimum. The only heavy equipment allowed is forklift or backhoe that can travel at roadway speed, however a front escort is required for safety and forks need to be properly stowed during travel. At a minimum, you can expect that there will be times during periods of high occupancy when heavy equipment travel on resort roadways will not be allowed.

8. Resort Facilities:

Resort facilities are not to be used by construction personnel which includes the use of or the taking of food from the Golf Course Comfort Stations, swimming at pools, ponds and hotel/resort beach front. Resort Security will remove violators from the property.

9. Use of Hualalai Trading Company and Hualalai Coffee Company:

Seating areas are reserved for Resort guests and residents only. Please inform your employees that they are welcome to patronize the Trading and Coffee Company, however all food and beverages are to be consumed back on their job site. Failure to abide by this rule is sufficient cause to be removed from the facility by Resort Security.

10. Safety:

Contractors will perform their work safely by following the requirements of all Legislated State and Federal Standards, and the Contractor’s own Health & Safety Program. Any and all unsafe conditions or hazards encountered while performing your work should be reported to Hualalai Villas and Homes Department or Resort Security as soon as possible.

11. Trash:

Manage your jobsite trash and construction debris. At the end of each workday, the Contractor should check for debris that has blown into areas adjacent to the job site, such as natural lava buffers or adjacent lots.

12. Dust Control:

Each Contractor is responsible for dust control on their projects. Roadways must also be kept clean of mud, dirt, and gravel.

13. Spillage:

Each Contractor is responsible for any type of spillage on Resort Property. Please notify Resort Security at 325-8325 and request roadway traffic control if needed. All spills must be cleaned up immediately.

14. Restroom:

Each Contractor must provide toilet facilities for their employees.

15. Water:

Usage of water drawn from Fire Hydrants is prohibited unless authorized with a written consent from Hualalai Construction Department. A water source for dust control will be designated by Hualalai Construction Department.

16. Landscaping:

Natural open space, established landscape and hardscape must be protected from damage prior to the startup of any project. Contractors are responsible for repair or replacement of any damaged landscaping, irrigation or hardscapes.
Any plant material being brought on to the resort must complete a Hualalai Community Association
Coqui Frog Treatment form and submit it to security personnel upon arrival.

17. Animals:

All animals are prohibited on the jobsite.

18. Insurance:

Contractors working at Hualalai Resort are required to provide, prior to commencement of any project, a Certificate of Insurance.

19. Emergency:

In the event of an emergency, the Contractor should call Resort Security immediately at (808) 325-8325.

If you have questions or special needs that have not been addressed, please contact:

Hualalai Homes & Villas Department



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Contractors & Vendors, please contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.


Hualalai Villas & Homes Department



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© 2023 Hualalai Community Association

Website design & photography by Ideation Void.

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